
At West Hills, we believe every member has a calling and ministry. If we were to look at the church as a football team, Caregiving Ministry would be the medics and trainers on the team. The medics and trainers aren’t the people who normally get attention and notice, but they serve an important purpose:  to get the players up and healthy to play the game. That is what we do in Caregiving Ministry. We join alongside people when they are going through a difficult time. We listen and care, and help them to become strong enough to get back in the game of serving Jesus.

Prayer Requests & Prayer Chain

If you need prayers, please let us know!! We want to be praying for you during all the ups and downs of life as we are on this journey together. Please complete the form below and we'll be sure it gets on the Prayer Chain this week.

caregiving outreach ministry

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God was making his appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV)

Contact the church office if you know of a church member who would benefit from receiving Caregiving Outreach support.

Hospital & Rehab Outreach - Provides support for members who are hospitalized, need major medical care or are in a rehabilitation facility. Support may include phone calls, sending cards, in person visits or a gift of a prayer shawl or lap blanket.

Meal Ministry – Members who have experienced a significant life event or by personal request benefit from the provision of meals. The meal schedule is publicized and organized through the website

Baby Outreach – Shows support for families of newborns and children with major medical needs. Support may include meals, visits, or a gift of a children’s Bible or baby blanket.

homebound ministry

"Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality" Romans 12:13 (NIV)

In homebound ministry we want to care for all members. We know many of our members are not always able to attend worship, but we want them to know we care and to keep them plugged into the church experience. Homebound ministry offers these options to keep our homebound worshipers connected.

Homebound Communion - Monthly communion for those who are not able to worship with us and would desire communion teams to come to their residence to serve them.

Home Partners - Coordinates the pairing of active members with homebound members. Special friendships are formed and active members check in with our homebound to make sure their spiritual needs are being met.

Transportation Team – Offers transportation to church worship and events for those who reside at Westgate Assisted Living.

Christmas Stockings – Provides stockings during the Christmas season for our homebound members.

Stephen Ministry

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide Christian one-to-one care for those experiencing difficult life circumstances. Our Stephen Ministers provide an important ministry in our weekly worship services, availing themselves to those who might want to participate in a time of sharing and/or prayer. Stephen Ministers can be linked, on a confidential basis, to those in the midst of transitions or times of crises, such as divorce, death and grief, the loss or change of employment, or a variety of other personal or spiritual difficulties. Stephen Ministers are not counselors, but they are well-trained listeners who will walk beside you during a difficult time in your life.

Please contact the church office if you have questions on the Stephen Ministry process or are wondering if a Stephen Minister could be beneficial for you or a loved one.