Spiritual Growth Resources for the New Year!
Kevin Gibson, Rick Mason, and Jessica Scheopner have compiled a sampling of books and apps that you could use to spur on your spiritual growth this year.
The Deeply Formed Life: Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus (Rich Villodas)
This book was released in 2020, and it has been well-received and included on several "best" Christian book lists. The five values discussed in this book are 1) contemplative rhythms, 2) racial reconciliation, 3) interior examination, 4) sexual wholeness, and 5) missional presence. Villodas is the lead pastor of New Life Fellowship in Elmhurst, Queens.
Sacred Overlap: Learning to Live Faithfully in the Space Between (J.R Briggs)
This book was released in 2020, and it takes into account the unrest that we have been experiencing during the pandemic. Briggs sees this tumultuous time as an opportunity for us to lean into and live out the ways of Jesus.
The Sacred Pulse: Holy Rhythms for Overwhelmed Souls (April Fiet)
Fiet co-pastors the First Presbyterian Church in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, with her husband, Jeff. In this book, Fiet doesn’t provide readers with a list of how-to’s, but more of a general approach to redeem the various parts of our day and seasons of life of following Christ.
How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People (Pete Greig)
As we consider spiritual growth of all ages, there are a few timeless truths about spiritual growth and spiritual parenting that will help you find ways to nurture your children’s faith journeys as well as your own:
- Look for a natural way to build faith practices into your existing routine.
- Doing a practice multiple times each week paves the way for learning new spiritual practices and spiritual growth. Mealtime, drive time, and bedtime tend to be consistent times you can hook into.
- Don’t be afraid to find the right tool by trying out different ones. What works for one person, one family, or one child at one stage of life won’t work for another.
- Check out some family resources in the lower level at WHC, or crowdsource and ideas and tools in the West Hills Parents Group on Facebook
- Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you in your own growth and as you nurture your kids’ faith.
Here are some tools you might like to try:
Everybody, Always for Kids (Bob Goff and Lindsey Goff Viducich)
Released in 2021, this fun collection of 40 stories will spark faith conversations for the whole family. Be ready to laugh, learn, and live out your faith with this read-aloud.
Parenting in the Pew (Robbie Castleman)
This is a foundational read for any adult who wants to love kids into the kingdom by inviting them to worship. This perennial classic has equipped a generation of parents to help their children connect with God in Sunday worship while simultaneously growing in their own faith. Explore the why, when, and how of engaging in worship in a way that is meaningful for everyone.
New City Catechism (The Gospel Coalition, introduction by Kathy Keller)
Based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, New City Catechism offers a new take on an ancient practice for teaching children and adults foundational theology and Christian virtues. This book provides an updated framework, working through key doctrines in 52 questions and answers about the nature of God, human nature, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church.
Praying the Daily Examen
This lively video explains how and why to incorporate this timeless way of praying through the events and emotions of the day. Based on Ignatius’ Daily Examen, this practice can help everyone from toddlers to teens to mature adults invite God to walk with us and transform us moment by moment.
Seeds Family Worship
This non-profit organization offers free or for-purchase songs, videos, and devotionals to get God’s word into people’s hearts and homes. Check out their website or follow them on a music or video streaming service for a fun, easy way to learn God’s word.
There’s an App for That!
Search your App Store for one or all of these apps helpful tools.
Echo has an uncluttered design which makes it easy to use. You can create prayer lists and set reminders to pray during the day.
Our Daily Bread
This is the app version of the popular print edition of Our Daily Bread. You can read the daily devotional or listen to the audio version. It also has scripture reading plans.
Parent Cue
Created for parents of kids birth-12th grade, the Parent Cue app gives simple, practical, weekly resources for talking about faith and character that are tailored to each child’s life stage.