Crosswalk Kids

Every Sunday, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Here at West Hills, our Sunday morning kid's ministry is called Crosswalk.  Our goal at Crosswalk is to create a safe and fun environment where kids can build a foundation for a faith built on the love of Jesus. We do this in two ways, which pair together to help children learn who God is and to come into a relationship with Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit and a faithful community of caring adults and peers.

8:45-9:45 - Crosswalk Kids Groups - interactive small group time led by consistent, caring, safe adult leaders

10:00 - Worship and Crosswalk Bible Time! - Children worship with their families until mid-service when they are invited to dig into God's word in a Bible lesson told for preschool and elementary aged kids during the sermon time. Children return to the sanctuary during the song that follows the sermon.

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