If it needs piano, keyboard or organ accompaniment in worship or any other congregational activity, Kathy is your go-to person! She has a passion for music education, specifically for the younger generations. She enjoys sharing fun and "appreciation" opportunities for our volunteers in the form of homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. And that is reason enough to get involved in our worship and music ministries!
Employed at West Hills since...
One loving husband, Ed (since 1977), two very talented and caring daughters and their hubbies: Elizabeth and Chris Hancock and Meredith and Andrew Dierking, and two very smart, very cute and adorable grandchildren.
Best thing about your job
Empowering others to seek the Lord through their worship, their use of talents they possess and giving God ALL the glory for the great things He hath done in all of our lives. Having the blessing of fine keyboard instruments to assist this process is also VERY wonderful!
- SCRIPTURE: James 1:5-6 and Philippians 4:13 (I've committed these to my heart since a young child)
- SONG: practically anything that Rachmaninoff composed - such a brilliant composer and pianist
- MOVIE: Begin Again (love the scene where Mark Ruffalo's character envisions all the instruments playing and accompanying Keira Knightley singing her song in the pub) and The Sound of Music (I loved singing in it as my high school musical when I was a sophomore at Burke and I still get goosebumps every time I watch the wedding scene in that abbey and hear that fabulous pipe organ!)
- BOOK: mysteries written by a woman author with a female protagonist
- SNACK: anything chocolate or lemon-based
Something that gets on your nerves
Car drivers who do not drive purposefully and conscientiously and, thereby, causing the rest of us to have to "drive" for them to keep everyone safe or move efficiently in traffic....AGHHH!!!!
Some hobbies/passions
baking, playing piano (yes!), reading good mysteries, making up songs and dancing with my grandson, Owen
Something people may not know about you
I won a medal for placing 2nd in my age category in a running race!
Your happy place
snuggling up with my husband and sharing our joys/concerns; anywhere the grandchildren are!