Employed at West Hills since...
2004-2009 and 2016 to present
My husband Jason and I are blessed with a crazy home full of five kids ranging from a senior in high school to a preschooler. One of the fun things about having such a wide age span is that we can see what might be down the road: our “big kids” have grown up at West Hills being loved, included, and faith-nurtured by our West Hills family. We are thankful our youngest two get to enjoy that same blessing, with the added bonus of a community that has invested in praying for, anticipating, and now loving our rainbow baby and our child with special needs.
Best thing about your job
The amazing kids, families, and volunteers. My hands-down favorite thing about my job is the people of all ages and interests that I get to walk with on this journey. Whether we are serving together in ministry or fellow parents sharpening one another in the hard work of parenting, or I’m connecting with kids sharing stories, playing games, asking questions, singing songs, doing crafts and having fun, I delight in time with my fellow journey mates!
- SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:7-12 Food: Tacos
- MOVIE: The Blindside
- BOOK: Whichever one I am currently reading. I usually have several going at a time. I love to read nonfiction and children’s books – and especially love to read the latter aloud.
- CANDY: Baker’s chocolate
- MUSIC: My favorite genre varies with the work I’m doing, but I love hearing my kids practice their instruments, and with four playing, that is most of the time. Granted, we have not yet had a beginning cello or oboe player…
Something that gets on your nerves
It makes me crazy when I get home from the store only to realize we have run out of something that I could have easily purchased.
Some hobbies/passions
Family fun with games or puzzles is a winter favorite. Spring and fall I love being outside in nature – camping, hiking, kayaking or canoeing are pretty much ideal ways to spend free time. Any time of the year I’m down for a road trip that involves stopping at roadside historical markers (You may correctly assume that this does not make me popular with all the members of my family.), exploring museums, and almost any type of experiential learning alongside kids.
Something people may not know about you
We promised our kids we would get a dog when the youngest child could tie her own shoes. After thirteen years of saying this, and with no shoe-tying on the horizon, we caved: we have a hilarious, energetic, gangly, puppy named Teddy.
Your happy place
At a quiet campsite with my family.