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I Want To Be More Like Oreo

by Luke Burns on August 05, 2020

One blessing in my life during this time is my puppy, Oreo. Well...Oreo isn’t really a puppy anymore, he’s 14 years old! But, he is still a little sweetheart who brings joy and laughter to my life! Being home from college has given me the chance to spend a lot more time with him. Some days when I wake up, and I see Oreo still peacefully cuddled up in his blanket I think, “Wow, it must be awesome to be a dog”. Oreo sleeps a lot, he loves to go for walks and romp around through the grass, when he goes potty, he gets a treat AND all he has to worry about it being cute! He doesn’t have a care in the world. Oreo relies on us completely to take care of him, to feed him, give him water, cut his hair, trim his nails, and make sure he’s happy and healthy. He loves and trusts us no matter what. 

Sometimes I wish I could be more like Oreo in my relationship with God. Oreo always has listening ears for when we call his name, he always wants to go where we lead him. Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could have that same spirit when God calls me somewhere, or when he calls out my name? God constantly provides for me, he is my protection, he keeps me safe, and is there at all times, just like we are for our puppy. 

I hope Oreo’s infectious spirit rubs off on me, and I can learn from him how to  love, give kisses, go on long walks and TRUST in the person that consistently takes care of me, God! 

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