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I Don't Know, Do You?

by Luke Burns on April 22, 2020

During Youth Group this summer, we are making our way through the book of Acts and thinking deeply about what a church is, does, and why it’s important.  It is going to be fun looking at the first church and what they did after the very first Easter.  Jesus rose from the dead, appeared to many, then ascended into heaven, and now the disciples were left with the task of creating the very first church without their leader Jesus being there in person to instruct them. 

So, what exactly did they do?  Well, they started off like many of us when we do something new…They were confused!  They were instructed to go to Jerusalem and not leave until the Holy Spirit came upon them.  I can only imagine what was going through their minds when they were sitting there waiting for the Spirit to come.  They must have thought, “What does the Holy Spirit look like?  What is it going to actually do?  What kind of power is it going to give us?  Will we even know when it comes?”

I think its really cool that the disciples thought about things just like us.  They didn’t have all the answers and they couldn’t predict the future.  They just had to wait and trust that God was going to do what He promised. 

We can learn a lot from the disciples.  Especially during this coronavirus quarantine, we have to learn to wait and trust that God will do as He has promised.  We also know from the disciples that God empowers us, just like He empowered them.  We, as believers, have the same Holy Spirit in us that came to the disciples at Pentecost.  We have strength through God, power through God, discernment through God, and hope through God.  Let’s focus on these things today!

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