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Love and Joy

by Luke Burns on April 23, 2020

What is it about Christianity that is so powerful?  Why do you hear stories almost every day about someone who hated Christianity and then has a massive change of heart and now loves Jesus? Saul in the bible is one of the first examples of this.  Saul was a radical dude.  He hated Christians.  Killed Christians.  Actively tried to find them and put them in prison.  Then Saul had a massive conversion, became a passionate Christian and became the most radical leader of early Christianity.  How did that happen and why do stories like this keep happening all around the world today?

In Saul’s story, he found himself traveling on the road to a place called Damascus.  While he was traveling on that road, Jesus blinded him with a bright light and spoke to him.  I’m willing to bet that not everybody has a moment like Saul, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t still have amazingly powerful experiences of God.

God changes peoples lives.  God desires to have a relationship with us and when we enter that relationship for the first time it is an amazing experience.  Think about the first time you ever did something you loved.  What made that experience different from something you think is boring?  In my experience, many people think having a relationship is boring, but once they truly enter into a relationship with Him, they experience an incredible joy unlike anything they have felt before.  That’s why so many people go from hating Christianity to loving Christianity.  It’s because of the love and joy they feel when they truly get to know Jesus. 

If you’ve never felt this kind of love and joy from Jesus before and you don’t know if you have a relationship with God, just know that God loves you and desires for you to know this kind of love.  Pray to Jesus and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and ask Him to show Himself to you.  If you have any questions about having a relationship with Jesus, please don’t hesitate to email me at .   

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