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Reckless Love

by Luke Burns on May 22, 2020

Reckless Love is a popular Christian song by Cory Asbury.  If you have been to a contemporary church service in the last year or so, you have probably heard this song sung at your church.  But the title and chorus say that God’s love is “Reckless.”  How can God’s love be reckless?  Isn’t recklessness a bad thing? 

When I think of something that is reckless, I think of a little kid that has a reckless temper tantrum.  A kid who is so irate that they start crying uncontrollably and throwing things in a fit of rage.  Or a 16-year-old who just got their driver’s license and decides to drive 100 miles per hours down the interstate.  That would be being reckless.  Reckless to me means doing something potentially dangerous for a thrill or not taking something seriously that should be. 

Is God’s love ever dangerous for a thrill?  Is God’s love ever not serious?  I don’t think so.  What could Cory Asbury be trying to say to us?  I think he is saying that from our human perspective God’s love appears to be reckless.  God loves us so much that He would be willing to send his only Son to die for us?  Imagine sending someone you love the most in your life to die for someone else.  I have a son named Theo, and I would never even entertain the idea of sending him into some place dangerous, but God did.  God’s love, in this moment, appears reckless to us.  God is so overwhelmingly and passionately in love with us that nothing would stop Him from saving us.  That is the reckless love of God! 

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